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Bachfest Monthly Concerts: 
brought to you by Miguel Rodé
in collaboration with 
Michael Maul of Bachfest Leipzig

9:00 am Pacific, 12:00pm Eastern, 18:00 Central European

Please note change in schedule:

1st & 3rd Thursdays, September 2023 - April 2024

Registration Status: OPEN

Series Cost:  ~ $15 per session lecture or $175 for the series of 15
ABS Members:  $140 for the series of 15
(What a deal, folks!)

*Addition February 1st: Michael Maul! This lecture will be charged at the single session rate of $15. 
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We are very happy to be collaborating with Michael Maul of the Bachfest, Leipzig, and Miguel Rodé of The Cantata Trail.  We’ll be presenting to fellow Bachians a virtual meeting series aligned to “Bach300”, a set of monthly cantata concerts that Bachfest is offering from September through May in celebration of the 300th anniversary of Bach assuming the Cantor post in Leipzig. 

Leveraging the successful Cantata Trail model, Miguel will discuss the cantatas from each Bach300 concert, providing historical context and some musical analysis to serve us as a guide to deeper understanding and appreciation. We will end with questions and answers and further discussion. And stay tuned for some surprise guests!
Materials will be provided online:  librettos, scores, program notes and links to recommended recordings.  We’ll listen to cantatas in their entirety during each presentation. 
It might be wise to bring a snack with you: each session will last about 2 hours, which will give you ample information to explore further on your own or with friends.  We recommend that you have a Spotify subscription or access to YouTube on your computer to listen to the full pieces after the sessions.
Here’s a teaser:

And a photo of Koopman & orchestra at the rehearsal for the concert on YouTube.

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You can find the program for the real Bachfest Monthly Concerts in Leipzig at this link.

Below is the (revised) program schedule for the zooms, presented with full length cantatas: 

September 21

        77   Du sollt Gott, deinen Herren, lieben

        25   Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe

       138   Warumbetrübst du dich, mein Herz                       

       95   Christus,de ist mein Leben

       50   Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft


October 5

       138  Warumbetrübst du dich, mein Herz

      148  Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens     

        48  Ich elender Mensch, wer wird mich erlösen


October 19

      162 Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe

      163  Nur jedem das Seine


November 2

       89  Was soll ich aus dir machen, Ephraim

       60  O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort


November 16

       90  Es reißet euch ein schrecklich Ende

       70 Wachet! betet! betet! wachet!

December 7

        61 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland

      243 Magnificat in D major


December 21

       40 Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes

       64 Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget


January 4

      190 Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied

      153 Schau, lieber Gott, wie meine Feind

       65 Sie werden alle aus Saba kommen


January 18

      154 Mein liebster Jesus ist verloren

      155 Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange


February 1 *Addition Michael Maul

       73 Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir

       81 Jesus schläft, was soll ich hoffen?


February 15

      144 Nimm, was dein ist, und gehe hin

       83 Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde

      181 Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister


March 7

         66 Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen

       134 Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiß


March 21

        67 Halt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ

       104 Du Hirte Israel, höre


April 4

        86   Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch

        37  Wer da gläubet und getauft wird

        44  Sie werden euch in den Bann tun


April 18

       173 Erhöhtes Fleisch und Blut

       184 Erwünschtes Freudenlicht


Our goal is for everyone to recognize the genius of Bach, and to rejoice in the beauty of his works.


“J.S. Bach, wie wunderbar sind deine Werke.”



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Miguel Rodé

Miguel Rodé was born and raised in Montevideo, Uruguay and moved to the US in 2002 as part of his Information Technology career and currently resides in Seattle, WA. A life-long music lover, over the years Miguel developed a special fascination with the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, and in particular with his cantatas and other vocal works. During the Covid pandemic, Miguel initiated a series of virtual meetings called "The Cantata Trail" with the intent of sharing this incredibly rich musical universe with some close friends. This small community grew organically through word of mouth to its current size of about 70 members. As a musician, Miguel plays the baroque flute and is a member of several chamber ensembles in the Seattle area, for which he also enjoys transcribing and arranging music. 

Joan Hill
Owner, Host, & Director

In 2008, the seed of Artful Journeys was planted in her brain, when Joan brought together all of her life's passions, her love of music, an affinity for the beautiful things in life with an ability to organize events to give birth to Artful Journeys, a program of art education trips for the soul and mind.


Joan was born and raised in the apple country of the Hudson River Valley in New York; her father was a gentle, very tolerant, educated land surveyor, and her mother was the efficient business administrator and home engineer. The youngest of four children, Joan was encouraged to pursue anything she wanted, but also to do her best. Sometimes that was very difficult, especially succeeding three very accomplished siblings.

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  • Each session will cost $15 or $175 for the series.

  • ABS cost:  $10 per session; $140 for the series.

  • PayPal is preferred; however, we do take checks.   

  • A Zoom link will be provided by email and will remain the same for the entire series.

To register for a session or the series, please click below:

A Zoom link will be provided by email within 24 hours of each meeting.

For details or questions, please click here to contact Joan Hill.
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